The Coming Silence

Bees are still in trouble...

Honeybee deaths reaching crisis point

1 in 3 of UK's honeybees did not survive winter and spring

Here is the 'Bee Boy dance crew drops dead' video.

The new books A World Without Bees and Fruitless Fall are great ways to find out what the world would be like if our fuzzy striped companions were to disappear.

Nova has yet another great film and you guessed it, it's about bees. Have a look at Tales from the Hive.

Losing bees will not only send our already dwindling food supplies into a nosedive... Bee venom has been providing relief to those suffering from the painful and debilitating MS.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Help the honeybees!

Prevent the loss of the world food supply. Learn how you can help cure Colony Collapse Disorder.

What is the bee tree?

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