Olympic Green

The Olympics are upon us... And since these Olympics have had hte environment, take center stage we thought we would share some environmental Olympic links with you...

Grist has a list of 18 'Green Olympians' which includes basketball stars like LeBron James and Carmelo Anthony.

The record breaking runner Haile Gebrselassie is refusing to run in the marathon due to serious pollution problems in Beijing.

Satellite data reveals Beijing as air pollution capital of world

Many teams chose to train in neighbouring countries in the days leading up to the Olympics in order to expose themselves as little as possible to the toxins found in the air.

US Olympic Cyclists had to apologize for arriving at the Beijing airport wearing smog masks... Guess China is a bit touchy at all the fuss being made about this.

Olympics: Is The Air In Beijing Safe? treehugger

Hope the athletes stay healthy...
And as always, good luck to all those who have chosen these peaceful forms of competition...

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